How to use your Log Book
Each time you drive a car, you must record the details on the forms that follow. The log book must be completed accurately and honestly.
Penalties apply for fraudulent information.
If additional forms are required you may photocopy a blank form or download a blank form from
Each time you drive a car, you must record the details on the forms that follow. The log book must be completed accurately and honestly.
Penalties apply for fraudulent information.
Booking the test is arranged with your instructor. You can either pay cash to the instructor or by credit card by phoning the office
If additional forms are required you may photocopy a blank form or download a blank form from
To book a VORT you do not need to have any lessons but we always suggest having at least one lesson and let the instructor assess your competency.
We DO NOT give the Excel Drive Guarantee for this test, as we do for CBT.